Alan M. Kalet

I am an assistant professor of medical physics in the University of Washington dept. of Radiation Oncology. My current research interests include Ontology based Bayesian inference for error detection and decision making, real-time tracking and evaluation of lung motion in Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) radiotherapy, and developing web applications for radiation oncology informatics. Our research group page (and many test applications) can be found here: Informatics in Radiation Oncology.

Below are links and descriptions of projects I am working on:

The BNDE is an R-shiny web application for constructing and downloading Bayes networks from ontological sepcifications. a (pdf) description of this software tool and its development can be found here: ont2bn paper

Below is a link to an application which performs some quick data anlalytics--sorting, filtering, 2D and 3D plotting and histograms on mixed string/numeric datasets: